The Land of the Super Boring

Friday, October 31, 2008

i feel

like i have about seven days to defeat an entire troop of the enemy that is five hundred miles away.

your prayers are appreciated.

PS: i hope yall suspend your literalism at the door of my blog.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

blogthings: so much easier than actual writing

i am sick again, not throwing up or anything, just extraordinarily CFS'd. but i knew my poor lonely blog needed a post, so i took a blogthing! because that is something easy to do when you are lazy. and this one is somewhat fitting.

You Are Cowboy Boots

This doesn't mean you're country, just funky.

You've got a ton of attitude and confidence.

You're unique, expressive, and even a little bit wacky.

You wear whatever you feel like – and you have your own sense of style.

You are straight shooting and honest. You tell people how it is.

Low maintenance and free wheeling, you're always up for an adventure.

You should live: Where you can at least get to wide open spaces

You should work: In a job that allows you to take change

Monday, October 20, 2008

getting back into blogs again is hard to do

hm...let's have a little flavor of some of my old posts.

so, over the weekend i went to another state.
i slept at someone else's house, bundled up in covers.
i threw up.
i slept, with just a sheet.
i woke up and was very very tired.
i missed the church service i came down for because i was asleep with a fever.

cool, huh?

but i am all better now. well i am still building up fluids, according to Mr. PhysicalTherapyMan. but i did make it to the next church service and the sermons were very good. one on chastisement (an interesting and semi-controversial subject) and another on end times (a semi-interesting and controversial subject.) here is something i never thought about before- if the morals of a country are suffering, it is the responsibility of the church, not the unchurched. that is so obvious but i never really considered it. that came up in the chastisement sermon- we are the ones who ought to be in tune enough with God to get the conviction/ feel His chastening hand, so it is our responsibility to make things better. if nowhere else, then at least in ourselves. we are the light of the world and we cannot be hid, so if we does the world.

wow that was a lot more optimistic than i am honestly feeling.

what have a mid-term this week. and the first part of a project due. but i am not worried. well i am a little bit. but not really. i am almost done the first part of the project, i think, and then i will be well on my way to getting the whole thing done. its the project in the other class i need to worry about....

well my laptop is running out of juice and so am i. farewell, oh blogging world...

Monday, October 06, 2008

because she said so

the title of this post is eerily similar to the title of this really awful movie i saw once or twice. i cant sleep tonight. but i guess that is not unusual. hm, well, what else is there? i had a surprisingly good time hanging out with a buncha guys (and Christina, but she was busy taking pictures/ spending time with Andrew) on Sunday. i guess that is not so surprising, but i was nervous about it...on the other hand i have never had trouble getting along with guys. but i am paying the price now, i have lots of soreness because of CFS. also, the sermon on Sunday was excellent. i am looking forward to next Sunday an unusual amount, which i am definitely taking as a positive thing. kudos to the pastor and much thanks to the Lord for subjects that are usually vastly ignored in our church circles getting proclaimed in a way that was glorifying to God and profitable to His people.

i have this Old Testament class. its making me nuts! i love that i am getting college credit for reading and talking about the Bible, but i also get very very antsy about all these people reading the Bible and not hearing the gospel. there are three people that talk, no four: the professor, the resident Arminian, the resident skeptic, and then me. how unfortunate. i just don't want all us students, particularly the seekers and the weak brethren in Christ and the self-righteous and the everything else that can be wrong with us, to hear the gospel of Arminius or the gospel of skepticism but rather the gospel of Jesus, the only true gospel. i dont know if i am up to that challenge, but it is stimulating at least.

well, i dont have much else to say right now. maybe sometime i will update this when i am not too sleepy to think!