The Land of the Super Boring

Thursday, October 07, 2010

someone's choking my hourglass...

why is redeeming the time so difficult?

i guess redemption is always difficult for the one doing the redeeming. take up your cross...

i've been rereading parts of "Emma" by Jane Austen late at night when i cant sleep and i get hungry and i can't eat without reading. in it, the ever-annoying Mrs.Elton is always going on about her "resources." she need not be at a loss to live in a small town, because she has so many resources within herself, she doesnt need society or entertainment. all of this is completely bogus, but she prides herself on saying it.

well, i am more honest than Mrs.Elton. i have no resources. not that i have no resources internally- but in terms of, say, health, transportation...theres just so many things i wish i were doing for the greater good that i cant.

on the bright side, i am actually sick enough that i dont care today. i have a cold. so i dont even want to be productive. i just want to have some nice warm apple cider and chicken noodle soup and watch a nice movie.

also on the bright side, i have made some progress in my health, and may soon have a car, so then i will be able to say with Mrs.Elton "i have many resources."

what else to blog about....oh! our new album is going to be awesome. i can tell because our rockin' new songs get stuck in my head all the time. sweet, no?

i think maybe i will go play some guitar, speaking of. see you at the aftermath- peace! but not

just kidding.

Monday, October 04, 2010


my free vacation just got really expensive.

why, you ask? because of lack of proper planning.

ugh. i was looking forward to a vacation for just the two of us. maybe now we can spend more time with our goddaughter and her mom...but, maybe not, because it all depends on our ride. roar. well, i am supposed to be not sad, so i will just look at it this way: either we spend more time with Roo and Megan, or we will take a cheap local vacation for just the two of us.

sigh. i should be happy today. i woke up early, feel decent, had a great weekend church meeting, Jamie's getting off early today. and i am happy about all of those things. i just don't handle disappointment very well.

who knows. this whole post could change. it depends on what Jamie thinks. but i hate changing plans. i know that's dumb, but i do. it just displeases me. i have no spontaneity. do i?

maybe i will take a blogthing and find out. and then go be productive. that's what will make me feel better, right?

You Are 32% Impulsive

You're a pretty stable and serious person. You don't take things lightly.

This doesn't mean you can't have fun - you just have fun responsibly.

You definitely have a spontaneous side, but you only let loose when it's appropriate.

Consider being a little more impulsive. It feels freeing to completely let go.
