The Land of the Super Boring

Sunday, November 30, 2008

this house is not a home

this house is not a home. i dont remember
the sight of home, exactly, but i know
there was an embrace
and refreshment on a shoulder,
in a hand. at home, i myself was different-
but this is true of every boarder

this house is not a home
with its rent blue curtains
and gold-overlaid sculptures.
it is a place to bow, to dance,
to sing and make music,
to lie on a bed
in only meditation.
i labor for this temple,
care for it, make it useful.
it houses others
from time to time.

this house is not a home
but in the yard it gets closer.
in the space between
our two houses under a divided
firmament we can worship
in embrace. this is a time
of memory and prophecy,
when i ride on shoulders
or give you my hand
and we work out
everlasting love
from our souls
till we can almost touch.

this house is not a home.
it would be far better to leave it,
and sometimes i feel this truth
scraping at my flesh.
i make a needful choice,
only comforted in knowing their end.
Thank God, this is not my home,
and someday

i will take off my fleshly robe
and stay awhile
into eternity.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

as of thursday

WE ARE ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!

hurray. :-D

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


why does everything seem to be going wrong?

i must not be trying hard enough. although, in the particular instance i am thinking of, i dont know how i could have tried harder than casting my vote.

i guess this isnt really going to affect me personally, so there is no reason to flee to Australia. but i am very afraid that having Obama as President is going to mean a loss of lives. his plan for Iraq is flat-out idiotic, so i am afraid of us losing soldiers there as well as Iraqi citizens. to say nothing of the countless that will be aborted...but, on the other hand, neither one of them was going to do much about that, and i dont think Obama will actually successfully get partial-birth abortion allowed. and then theres the part where i will he keep us secure from terrorism? so how many lives will we lose there?

my only hope is that...well i have two hopes. three. one, that they have somehow miscounted and will fix it. two, that the lawsuit against Obama will go through and he will not get to be President because he is not a natural-born citizen (or possibly even a citizen at all.) or three, that i am very very wrong about him and he somehow does a decent job.

haha, did you like how i got all Spanish Inquisition with my hopes?

i am trying not to be too upset about this. i was too young to really know what was going on when Clinton was in office, so i guess i have been spoiled the past 8 years- i was always happy with the outcome of the election. but now...Obama is President-elect, slots went through...nothing, in short, is going my way in this election. i must not be trying hard enough. i must not be praying hard enough.

ah well. time to regroup. RON PAUL 2012!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: please do not fail to examine my last post, which was posted only moments before this one.

hahaha...i am the guru

You Are the Guru

You are a naturally good counselor. You are inspiring, encouraging, and compassionate.

You are eager to help everyone who crosses your path, even those who don't want to be helped.

You are a natural healer. People feel at peace when they are with you.

You are so good for people, in fact, that they go through withdrawal once you're gone.

You quietly do your own thing, without openly resisting. You secretly try to fix every problem.

Your biggest regret is not being able to help as many people as you'd like.