The Land of the Super Boring

Monday, March 16, 2009

how big are giraffes?

last night i had a dream that the zoo broke. the um...hereford zoo. and this gigantic giraffe was walking through my front yard, so of course, not expecting to encounter any giraffes any time soon, i opened my window to try to get near him. and he came over and stuck his head through the window and i petted him, and his muzzle, from the bottom of his mouth to the top of his nose, was as tall as my face from my chin to my forehead.

was this just an unusually huge giraffe? or is that normal?

after that a lion strolled by, but he didnt come over to the window. nor did he try to eat the giraffe. interesting.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


i am very achy today. why am i blogging, then, you may ask? why when i have not had time to blog in so long would i get on late at night to complain about being achy? i will tell you why. because i am waiting for my food to digest so i can go to sleep. you see it is bad to eat before bed. it gives you a stomachache. but i was starving so i did it anyway. and now i have to wait a bit before i can sleep.

mission: find a place to live. thats what i have been up to lately. most of the wedding things is prepared. well, we need to rent some chairs. but most stuff is being worked on, is at least planned. so right now i am just focused on finding an after the wedding plan. but its exhausting. well, it isnt, really, but i am exhausted, so it seems that way.

what else....i am planning a lot of essays that i dont have time/energy to write. here is a partial list.

1. Be Ready
2. Holy Habits
3. Surprise Virtues, Part 1: Intolerance
4. Gifts, Callings, Talents
5. Rock-top

those are titles, not topics, but they mostly explain the topics. anyone have any other surprise virtues to continue my series? as you can see i have not come up with a part 2 yet. well, i may have, but its not listed. hence the term "partial list".

i am sad about Peter Furler stopping performing with the Newsboys. since he will still be in the studio i am tolerating it. but barely.

other news...please pray for my aunt Syl, she is very sick with lymphoma. also for our church, Mt. Carmel. we are having trouble coming together as one body. or i should say, we have had trouble. we are improving now, but only by His grace, so the prayers are still needed as its not a completed journey. when it is i will let yall know so you can wave your little stubs and say "stay the course. stay the course." thats an inside joke.

essay ideas...please pass along.