this is probably not the first post I've titled "insomnia" ....
oh well.
I can't sleep. and as I can't sleep, I'm thinking about church. Some people don't understand why we have to go to church. And sometimes it's hard to give an answer. I've done it all my life- I don't think much about why, but I know I need to, sort of like breathing or eating. But then someone asks a question like, "well, if you read the Bible on your own, and pray, why can't that be enough?" Well, it's never enough, that's one thing. There's not much you can do to pay back a holy God; thankfully, He doesn't make us do that. the point of doing what God says is to be close to Him, to show gratitude and love to Someone Who has loved us so much, and blessed us even though we haven't done enough, and for our good and the good of others- not to do enough. So, why church then?
1. God says to in the Scripture- which indicates that it's a critical part of our relationship with Him and our love of our neighbor.
2. There's a community built by worshipping together, by fulfilling simultaneously both of the great commandments.
3. Sometimes you see miracles in that community. Repentant sinners. Loved sinners. Redemption reenacted by the Holy Spirit in each one of us.
4. Sometimes you can see the Lord's work most clearly: a preacher expounding on what you read last night or this morning, two different ministers unwittingly being given from the Lord the same text from which to preach, many voices blending in harmony and passion for worship of their Lord.
5. To have a place to lay aside everything and know nothing except Jesus Christ.
I know this is not quite as tight of an explanation as it should be, but you get the gist. don't blame me, I'm sleep deprived. nonetheless, there's my thoughts. enjoy.
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