The Land of the Super Boring

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


why does everything seem to be going wrong?

i must not be trying hard enough. although, in the particular instance i am thinking of, i dont know how i could have tried harder than casting my vote.

i guess this isnt really going to affect me personally, so there is no reason to flee to Australia. but i am very afraid that having Obama as President is going to mean a loss of lives. his plan for Iraq is flat-out idiotic, so i am afraid of us losing soldiers there as well as Iraqi citizens. to say nothing of the countless that will be aborted...but, on the other hand, neither one of them was going to do much about that, and i dont think Obama will actually successfully get partial-birth abortion allowed. and then theres the part where i will he keep us secure from terrorism? so how many lives will we lose there?

my only hope is that...well i have two hopes. three. one, that they have somehow miscounted and will fix it. two, that the lawsuit against Obama will go through and he will not get to be President because he is not a natural-born citizen (or possibly even a citizen at all.) or three, that i am very very wrong about him and he somehow does a decent job.

haha, did you like how i got all Spanish Inquisition with my hopes?

i am trying not to be too upset about this. i was too young to really know what was going on when Clinton was in office, so i guess i have been spoiled the past 8 years- i was always happy with the outcome of the election. but now...Obama is President-elect, slots went through...nothing, in short, is going my way in this election. i must not be trying hard enough. i must not be praying hard enough.

ah well. time to regroup. RON PAUL 2012!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: please do not fail to examine my last post, which was posted only moments before this one.


At 8:44 PM, Blogger Ma'am Gallahad said...

yeah, Americans do seem pretty stupid right about now. but, i am taking consolation from my three hopes. and also praying that the sane people take back Congress in two years. that, and knowing that we have survived many idiotic Presidents in the past. so here's hoping that it works out all right. the subject of Wednesday night service message tonight, incidentally, was the election in light of Romans 8:28 and other verses about the Lord being sovereign and His people being blessed if they seek Him even when the world around them is suffering. somewhat comforting.

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

Ok. Let me start by mentioning that so far the democrats are only up to 57 seats in the senate, which is still 3 away from the defining 60 seat majority that would give them the power to basically pass any legislation they wanted. Also, have you looked at some of the republicans who are up for reelection? Ted Stevens, the Alaskan senator, is now a convicted felon. Nevertheless, he'll probably be reelected just so congress can vote him out, and Sarah Palin can throw in herself or another republican in. I'm not against republicans wanting to keep there places, but some of their tactics are looking a little shady.

Secondly, don't beat yourself up. Maryland is by no means a swing state. Even if every resident republican in the state voted, they couldn't even turn this state purple.

Last but not least, just consider that fact that the United States has been under close scrutiny by the rest of the world for a long time. They were watching this presidential race just as closely as every American. Global approval ratings of the U.S. have gone down considerably in recent years, and what do you think is the cause of that? Lets just be honest, the U.S. hasn't been strongest or most united the past few years. There are major world powers breathing down our countries neck who might not have considered it the brightest move to elect another republican into office.

Ok. Last. In these matters you can never be the failure. If you went out and voted the way you felt was right and God honoring, then you did all you can do; don't feel bad about that. Republicans and Democrats have been going at it for 200 years, yet we still have our freedom and some measure of peace. Only God has that kind of mercy. I'm not saying that you have to agree with the president-elect, or even like him, but trust that God is in control.

My point is, try to realize that it may not be all bad. God may be working behind the scenes for good, and if not, He'll give us sufficient grace for whatever lies ahead.

At 2:16 PM, Blogger ocrismonxclovero said...

I'm actually agreeing with Daniel on quiet a bit of what he said. And also, Kathryn's right... His people are being blessed if they seek Him.

To me, worrying is a wasteful emotion that I often fall prey to. We have to be hopeful ... God says so. :)


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