The Land of the Super Boring

Monday, October 20, 2008

getting back into blogs again is hard to do

hm...let's have a little flavor of some of my old posts.

so, over the weekend i went to another state.
i slept at someone else's house, bundled up in covers.
i threw up.
i slept, with just a sheet.
i woke up and was very very tired.
i missed the church service i came down for because i was asleep with a fever.

cool, huh?

but i am all better now. well i am still building up fluids, according to Mr. PhysicalTherapyMan. but i did make it to the next church service and the sermons were very good. one on chastisement (an interesting and semi-controversial subject) and another on end times (a semi-interesting and controversial subject.) here is something i never thought about before- if the morals of a country are suffering, it is the responsibility of the church, not the unchurched. that is so obvious but i never really considered it. that came up in the chastisement sermon- we are the ones who ought to be in tune enough with God to get the conviction/ feel His chastening hand, so it is our responsibility to make things better. if nowhere else, then at least in ourselves. we are the light of the world and we cannot be hid, so if we does the world.

wow that was a lot more optimistic than i am honestly feeling.

what have a mid-term this week. and the first part of a project due. but i am not worried. well i am a little bit. but not really. i am almost done the first part of the project, i think, and then i will be well on my way to getting the whole thing done. its the project in the other class i need to worry about....

well my laptop is running out of juice and so am i. farewell, oh blogging world...


At 6:08 PM, Blogger ocrismonxclovero said...

I've been checking back pretty regularly to see if you've updated. yay for an update!

sadness about last weekend :( but glad you enjoyed the sermons last Sunday... really interesting to hear what you got out of them.

hope your midterm went well this week! :)


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