and because i am a rebel who insists on being different, and a writer who insists on being precise. i am now going to list 14 things i love. why do that when the ambush called for only 7? because the English word "love" just really isnt specific enough. my first 7 are going to refer to those i hope to love, that is, those i love with "agape" (unconditional) or "philea" (brotherly) love, in a labor of charity. my second 7 are going to refer to things i love passionately, or in other words, really like a lot. :-)
incidentally, the labor of agape/philea charity (see I Corinthians 13) means that i am working toward the second type of love for these as well, but it is imperfect because it is not naturally built in, it is part of being a new creature in Christ, and being more than a passion it is subject to the errors of my flesh. however, i hope i can say i love these things. here are the first 7 which i hope and work to love:
1. The LORD my God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, able because He loved me first and gives me love.
2. My husband, primary to see any glorying of our God of love I may miraculously manifest, as joined by that (the only) God.
3. My original family- which, by the way, includes a self-adopted brother and sister- with honour and empathy.
4. My brethren in Christ unfeignedly.
5. My neighbor as myself.
6. My enemies in prayer, good acts, and blessing.
7. My friends.
a few (i say a few, the whole Bible is pretty much about love, see Galatains 5:22-23) Scriptures relating to these first seven:
1. Matthew 22:37-40, John 21:15-17, I John 4, Romans 8 "all the law and the prophets" or, can be found in all Scripture.
2. Matthew 19:4-6, Ephesians 5:17-33, Song of Solomon, Colossians 3:18-19, Titus 2:1-6.
3. Leviticus 19:17, Ephesians 6:1-3, Colossians 3:20, I Timothy 5:4, I Peter 3:8-9, Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs 18:24, Hebrews 13:1.
4. Philippians 2:1-2, I Peter 1:22-23, I Peter 3:8-9 again, I Corinthians 12, Romans 12.
5. Leviticus 19:18, Galatians 6:10.
6. Matthew 5:43-48.
7. Proverbs 18:24.
okay so the second 7 should be more interesting, that is, more exposing of me, because they are less drawn from Scripture and less drawn from what we are all responsible to do, more drawn from the individual and i dare say unique gifts God has given to me (how amazing!), so this should be more like the intent of the ambush and less like a theology lesson heh. apologies, sometimes i cant help myself, once i saw one Scripture, it just kept going. anyway!
1. The Bible- was that obvious? I am addicted, and I actually get insecure if there is not one at hand.
2. Meetings of church, I smile much more at church, it's the perfect place to talk about Scripture.
3. Reading, I have books everywhere, I can't get through a meal without a book (unless I have someone to talk to.)
4. Creation, particularly animals, particularly horses- I think we have a responsibility to love animals, God made them for us. and! I love horseback riding, it just seems like something I am meant to do.
5. Writing, this I know I'm supposed to be doing, I can't help it, I am always writing in my head and I can never finish one idea without starting about six others, but I never stop the first idea either!
6. Music, especially playing guitar- I think my hands were made for it, it's like going to another world, a carefree and passionate world that I can't even explain to you, the awesome world of music!
7. Laughter- no one is safe from my and my family's sarcastic and sometimes goofy humor, not even my doctors!
phew, that was a long post just for an ambush. now maybe you learned something about me! :-)
PS: i didnt ambush 7 other blogs because i dont think i have 7 other blogging friends, and most of mine have already been ambushed. so, i will just say: Andrew, Dad, Colvin, Elsa, Jamie, and Werewolf Daniel should get on this.