The Land of the Super Boring

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Life Goals

1. To be a good & faithful servant of the Lord, filled with the knowledge of His will
2. To have a godly marriage that testifies of the gospel and shows the Holy Spirit's fruit of love in me worked out toward Jamie
3. To have a deeply meaningful wedding to Jamie under the sound of water during a worship meeting
4. To worship together with all of my first family
5. To raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord
6. To be an edifying member of Mt.Carmel and of my family
7. To be a good friend
8. To write an in-depth book on the Messianic prophecies in the Tanakh
9. To write an in-depth book on fulfilled prophecies in the New Testament
10. To write a comprehensive commentary on the Bible, including scientific and archaeological background of each verse and reference verses, and not including my opinions (perhaps I will write essays of my beliefs on each chapter at the end of the section of the book/series analyzing all the verses in said chapter)
11. To travel to Israel and surrounding countries to gather said archaeological information
12. To ride a horse in at least one combined-training event
13. To be a rock star who combines talents and gifts into a ministry for the Lord
14. To write spiritual novels
15. To write a book on equally yoked marriages
16. To become so fluent in Biblical languages as to be able to think and write and speak in them
17. To make a noncopyrighted literal-as-can-be literal translation of the Bible to put in an interlinear volume alongside the KJV and sell at Five and Below
18. To make a noncopyrighted limited English translation of the Bible (that means it has less vocabulary, using phrases where necessary instead of a more sophisticated word, so that people who do not know much English but whose language the Bible has not been translated into can learn about Christ) and also sell THAT at Five and Below
19. To make my own hymnal, including at least one version of every Psalm that I will compose myself, possibly two or three of each, and all the best hymns I can find even if they do come from CCM
20. To learn obscure tribal languages and translate the Bible into them and evangelize obscure tribes

Feel free to comment candidly on how close you may believe I am to attaining these goals. I have other books to write also, and maybe even some other goals, but these are the main ones and 20 is a nice round even number. #s 17, 18, and 20 are my newest ones. Like 'em?


At 12:33 PM, Blogger Dadooz said...

You Can Do It! Yes. Many of these goals seem lofty, to me, but, as someone who knows you, I am confident that you are able to do all of these things, short of any distraction from one by another...

Does that make sense?

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At 9:27 PM, Blogger Ma'am Gallahad said...

haha yes it does make sense. i hope i can, or rather, i hope i will, because "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" as it says in Philippians 4:13. and i think i probably will do most of them, but i have to say i stand somewhat in doubt about the obscure tribes one, haha. maybe i should pawn that one off on someone...

well, i can dream, anyway, and i do hope to accomplish most of them, especially since several of them i just feel i am called to do.

View two?...!


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