The Land of the Super Boring

Friday, March 30, 2007

for wednesday

so there i was, at the library with my tutor, taking an AP European History test, when my nose began to itch. i was deeply in concentration on some question about who was the most industrialized, Britain or Germany (it was Germany), so i absentmindedly rubbed at the itchy offender. my absent mind seconds later said "well that was dumb." "yes," my present mind replied, moving my finger to feel the blood starting to drip. "uh oh," i said to my tutor, dismissing myself to the bathroom. i ran into a problem when i got to the back of the building and my nose kept running blood and someone was in the one-room no-stalls woman's bathroom. i was running out of fingers to absorb the blood so i quickly stepped into the empty men's bathroom to grab a paper towel. "that's the men's room, get out of there!" said an old man's voice half-teasing behind me. i turned around and he did a double-take. "well what happened to you? do you want to get in here and get some tissues or something? here" as he grabbed me some toilet paper. "do you want to get in here?" at that moment i heard the toilet in the women's room flush behind me, so i shook my head and said i was fine. i then entered the women's bathroom and proceeded to bleed through the nose so fast that i couldnt pinch my nose as im supposed to because at all times i needed to be grabbing more toilet paper to replace the soaked-through wad on my nose. after about fifteen minutes my tutor came in and asked how i was. when she saw how much blood there was she forgot to listen to my answer and instead offered to call my mother. i agreed simply because Mom works right around the corner from the library. but Mom was not there, so instead the tutor talked to a doctor, who said if i bled for more than twenty minutes to take me to urgent care. the tutor was not allowed to transport me anywhere, so she asked if anyone could come get me. Mom was not answering her cell phone because she was in a meeting half an hour away. i have my brother on speed-dial, so i pressed a button and handed my phone to the tutor. the only problem was, i had our shared car (and was hardly in any shape to drive.) so Andrew agreed to come get me but stated that he would find a car. he proceeded to call at least six different people, none of whom answered their phones, except for Dad, who was at work 45 minutes away. so finally the tutor agreed to drive me to urgent care if Dad would meet her there. i had now been bleeding about an hour, and it had slowed down enough for me to use only one or two tissues to dab as we drove to the urgent care. Mom at this time got the messages and also showed up. after another half hour, my nose had stopped bleeding altogether and we had decided to head to the hospital to get and ear,nose, and throat doctor to cauterize it so this could not happen again. anyway the short version is

my nose is burnt.


At 12:17 PM, Blogger tag said...

It is. And people who don't answer their phones are not cool. "BLOOD! Kathryn is bleeding profusely from the head! Pick up!!!" A text message to mom.

At 7:51 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

nobody ever took me to urgent care


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