The Land of the Super Boring

Monday, February 05, 2007

why the stereotypes are true: the irish love potatoes

so you know when a woman is having a baby she craves really weird stuff like spinach or lobster pizza and then whatever she craves the kid ends up liking in some form because that was what the kid ate when he/she was happy and safe in the womb and that was his/her first food, then say if the woman craved things but she could only eat potatoes because that was the only crop that could be raised easily in the climate, then even though she craved other things the baby's first food when he/she was happy and safe in the womb would still be potatoes so then the baby likes potatoes so then the baby eats potatoes so then the baby grows up and gets married and maybe it was a girl baby and then she emigrates to the US with her husband where she gets pregnant and eats potatoes the whole time because she loves potatoes and then she has a baby and the baby loves potatoes and then the baby grows up and gets pregnant and eats potatoes and has a baby who grows up and gets pregnant and eats potatoes and has a baby who grows up and gets pregnant and eats potatoes and that, my friends, is why the Irish love potaotes.


At 11:25 PM, Blogger tag said...

I think I follow your logic:

At 11:25 PM, Blogger tag said...

so you know when a woman is having a baby she craves really weird stuff like spinach or lobster pizza and then whatever she craves the kid ends up liking in some form because that was what the kid ate when he/she was happy and safe in the womb and that was his/her first food, then say if the woman craved things but she could only eat green because that was the only crop that could be raised easily in the climate, then even though she craved other things the baby's first food when he/she was happy and safe in the womb would still be green so then the baby likes green so then the baby eats green so then the baby grows up and gets married and maybe it was a girl baby and then she emigrates to the US with her husband where she gets pregnant and eats green the whole time because she loves green and then she has a baby and the baby loves green and then the baby grows up and gets pregnant and eats green and has a baby who grows up and gets pregnant and eats green and has a baby who grows up and gets pregnant and eats green and that, my friends, is why the Irish love GREEN.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger itshouldbsummer said...

so that's why four leaf clovers are lucky...

At 9:37 PM, Blogger thecolvinator said...

that first sentence was scary...


At 9:06 AM, Blogger itshouldbsummer said...

it's all one sentence. it's all scary. lol

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

i agree

At 12:07 PM, Blogger tag said...

But asians love rice because the one Chinese emperor declaired wheat one of the sacred grains way back when, so their options have become very limited.


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