The Land of the Super Boring

Thursday, October 26, 2006

yeah sucks!

i got an email from my guidance counselor saying that my english teacher has significantly lowered my grade due to 3 unexcused absences. what?!?! i have missed his class i think four times, as a matter of fact. two of them i wasnt even absent from school and had a note for my lateness, meaning those were both excused. one i was absent from school and this was before the lowering of the grade, as in before interims, meaning that isnt part of this at all, and it was excused as well. and one what the crap??? he also says im missing assignments. what assignments, i dont know.

i have a nasty feeling there may be one im forgetting. but still, that doesnt call for all of this.

school sucks. im dropping out to be a street corner musician.


At 11:40 AM, Blogger tag said...

Cool, me too. School is overrated, especially in my art kind of fields. Streetcorner musicians!


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