The Land of the Super Boring

Saturday, May 13, 2006

i got dat swagga back

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
-James 1:17

so gifts. theres lots of kinds of those. theres like...talent-type spiritual gifts and then theres like....Christmas gifts and like....birthday gifts...and then theres like...the bad gifts you get from people that dont know you very well....and then theres like, gifts that my mother gives cause she really wants them for herself. she hates bugs.

anyway so one of the most happy gifts that God gives us is interaction type gifts. like, here is a perfect gift: our relationship/ interaction with God. see thats a perfect gift, as in every perfect gift, as in the quote. (also see I Corinthinas 13:12) and then, here is a good gift: our relationships with family and friend-type peoples. then there is another good gift: our relationships with animals. (see Genesis 1&2 for details.)

so that stuffs awesome, you know, top priority really.

but then theres another good gift. in fact, its not just a good gift, its more like a...ROCKIN gift. now mind you, i already established top priority but this, this....ROCKS. this is called music, oh yeah, JAMAWAY, the FSS are back in action, wed been outta comission for a long time but we played today and it was beast. i remember what i live for. yeah the guitar it calls to me. the makes me feel happy and and....get that grinning we done good kinda feeling and uh...



SCISSORS thats something else.

anyway the point is....we are back and its awesome. RAUGH<--some kind of musical type hard rock noise


At 8:33 PM, Blogger tag said...

My realtionship with animals:


At 10:48 PM, Blogger Ma'am Gallahad said...




At 12:04 AM, Blogger tag said...

Also, you bees mono.

At 10:29 AM, Blogger itshouldbsummer said...

glad the band is back and that it's members are in such agreement... lol

and i bees...

never takin' no more test or exams or other hateful things like them

...'cause it bees SUMMER!


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