The Land of the Super Boring

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


my blog hasnt been updated in a month. so even though i dont have many bloggable thoughts (no one really wants to see a post on how i keep forgetting sentences and my cravings for foods that start with the letter p and my five hour nap and bizarre dreams), i decided i should blog. happy birthday to katie who will not see this. um...other, i forgot my sentence again. today i helped Mom at work and patients kept asking me questions that i didnt know the answers to. yesterday Jamie came over to help Aunt Janet fix her computer and it was nice to finally see him. the day before that i went to church AND up to southampton for more church.

those are pretty much the most interesting things that have happened to me.

here, have a pretty poem that relates to my mood lately:

maybe I push when I'm meant to be still
maybe I take it all too personal-
Jesus, how to reconcile?
the joyful noise, the ancient land,
the tug from some invisible hand,
the dying mother, weaving bulrushes
along the nile

Flows her basket over the sea.
Here on a barren shore,
she'll be waiting for
a tailwind to carry her orphan's cry.
"don't you worry child
i wrote a lullaby."

I try to settle, but I just pass through:
a rain-dark gypsy, a wandering Jew.
All those homes were not ours.
Then I slept one night in Abraham's field
and dreamt there was no moon
the night he died
counting stars.

Flows her basket over the sea.
Here on a barren shore,
she'll be waiting for
a tailwind to carry an orphan's cry.
"don't you worry child
I wrote a lullaby."

Building you a home,
building you a home- Selah.

So flows her basket over the sea,
here on a barren shore,
we'll be waiting for
a tailwind to bring us Your sweet cry:
"don't you worry child
God'll sing you a lullaby."


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